Saturday, June 18, 2011

I've Fallen and I can't get up! Part 1

We all know the commercial, but do not think that will happen to "me". Unfortunately it did happen to me this week. But I could get up, and be walking the next day.

As a preamble, I have an artificial left hip and have dislocated it 4, now 5 times with minimal cause.

Thursday, June 15 was my daughter's birthday. I was finishing up the day by taking some photos of product in my home studio. After taking a shot, I stepped backwards, and my hip dislocated and I fell into a stack of TV's and landed on the floor.

Disbelief. I did nothing abnormal, but was now sprawled on the floor in agony. Usually, I have my cell phone in my pocket in case something like this might happen. Not today. It was on the kitchen table.

After recovering my composure, I crawled backwards (forwards does not work) from the photo room. I stopped in the kitchen, where I have my Ortho Surgeon's card on the fridge, and crawled back to dining room to get my phone.

First I called the Ortho office, and worked my way through the phone system to get to an assistant who said to call 911 and go to the nearest hospital. But I did not want another ambulance ride, so I told her to call the Dr. and put him in the loop.

Then I called my son, N/A, then my former spouse at work, who had been through this before. She came over, helped me get dressed and drove me to the ER. I hobbled in to the ER on crutches and told the receptionist what my problem was. She looked at me and said .. " and you're walking?"

Come back for part 2.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Who are the next players in technology?

Recent remarks by Google's CEO have named the players as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Apple. No mention of Microsoft or Adobe. The mutually adversarial relationships between some of these companies is the thing of legend, some more scurrilous. While those who promote the cloud downplay the longevity of local applications, the scrutinized service level provided by these vendors leaves one to wonder about putting all their eggs in one basket.