Sunday, October 2, 2011

Battle of the Titans - Facebook vs. Google +

This has been a rough month for the users of social media services. Facebook has introduced a series of updates that completely redefine the experience. Prioritized news feeds, a ticker of superfluous information, and a redesigned profile - "Timeline" that uses algorithms to decide what was important for you on any given day.
There is more, but you have to read up on it yourself.
Google, on the other hand, has let Google + expand in a "viral" fashion. People are joining circles for the sake of finding someone familiar. There is more a sentiment of superiority and conversational facilitation.
In my own social world, I actually know about 20% of my Facebook friends, and about 5% of my Google circle peeps. I am still using both services side by side to see what incremental changes are made to tweak the releases rushed out for the last trade shows.
In my opinion, Facebook and Google should stabilize, document, and let the user communities catch up.

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