Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Death and Taxes

January 3rd, 2012. If I pay county property tax today, I get a 3 % discount. Not much, but worth it. I go online to the tax payment web site, and the first page is a login screen. Your property number, Name, or address of property.

Not one for numbers, I typed in my name and clicked search button. After a few moments, I got a "No results Found" message. Impossible. Or was it..

I looked at the billing statement and saw that my name was Last, First. What?
So I tried the backwards combo and was able to access the system.

In my frustration, I sent an email to the tax collector's office this afternoon, stating the problem and potential solutions.

Surprisingly, I got a positive response back this evening. And they are going to fix it. Where is Bugzilla when you need it?

Hello Mr. Graham,

Thank you for contacting your Constitutional Tax Collector’s office and your suggestion.

The search option field can be clarified in more detail by stating “Enter:  Last name First Name”.  We appreciate your feedback and will submit the necessary changes.

One person can make a difference.